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Tuesday, 1 June 2010

The Tight fisted are such eco-warriors!

I'm fed up with this bull shine that the tight fisted throw about their businesses and personal lives, using the environmental argument to justify them saving a few pennies.

Hotels with that lovely sign in the bathroom. "Do you really need fresh towels? If you do place them into the bath, doing our bit to help the environment by reducing cleaning chemicals and electricity use".

Piss off! The environment was furthest from your mind, the need to reduce your costs was, and then to get away with the skimping you throw the environment angle in to make me feel guilty and to 'assist' you to reduce costs in the thin veil of doing my bit for global warming.

The camp site I stayed at recently stated on the shower door "Campers are to keep their showers to under 5 minutes for the sake of the environment.". Er no I think you looked at the fuel bill and thought f**k prices have gone up again.

Travelodge are the masters of this, closely examine the room. 1 lightbulb will be missing out of every 4 lights, 1 screw missing out of every door hinge. Extra pillows are available on request. Look you sods one pillow is insufficient, don't pull the environment crap at me over a sodding pillow. Fact is 1 missing item in every four saves 25% on costs, and the room just about manages to continue function.

So tight arse businesses, be transparent in your costs, increase or prices maybe, but stop using the emotional environmental card!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:High St,Malmesbury,United Kingdom