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Sunday, 30 December 2012

A nice bit of God Lager

i_2012082601052365, originally uploaded by petedx.
By Nils Oscar brewery.

Saturday, 29 December 2012

The Lightship and The Tardis - Cardiff Bay

A lightship


 A badly parked Tardis 


A view from Lingfield Race Course

i_2012110608005260, originally uploaded by petedx.

A quick stay at the Marriott hotel at Lingfield Race course and the view out of the window back in November 2012.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Cardiff Castle - NYE Fireworks 2010 (1)

On New Year's Eve 2010 I ended up in Cardiff.  In the early evening I went to the castle to see this amazing fireworks / pyrotechnic display.  More videos of this to follow.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Cloud Storage for the home - recommendations

So, cloud storage now seems to be taking off since the take up of mobile devices such as the iPhone, iPad, android phones and tablets.  Where once upon a time we may have used an 'online disk drive' to store things online and retrieve them from another PC, now we need more, the ability to sync changes to those files across the devices rather than just pull them down for reference for out and about.  And so cloud storage arrives.

There are a few excellent free cloud storage providers out there which will sync a directories on your PC or Mac to your portable devices.  With Apple Store and Google Play apps to download to access your account you are set for always having access to your home PC files.

Here are three that I would recommend which offer a good amount of storage and more importantly the synchronisation ability across the devices.


5Gb Free Space.  Free sign up.
Offers you the ability to share your files between PC, Mac, Android and iOS devices.


2Gb free space and free sign up.
Always have your stuff when you need it with @Dropbox.
Again synchronise your files across all your PCs, Mac, Android and iOS devices.

Get a whopping 10Gb of free space to start, and begin synchronising across all your devices.

All three of these services work in a similar way, and used at the same time can give you a hugh 17Gb of synchronised file space across your devices or for those essential backups.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

A visit to the Birling Gap last year.

a very windy day down at the Birling Gap made for some excellent waves coming in on the beach.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

More Glue Pot Brews from 2011.

Another great brew from The Glue Pot , Swindon last year.

Whakatu by the Everards Brewery for the Rugby World Cup last year.  Brewed with New Zealand hops.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

The New Kings Cross Concourse

A late night shot of the brand new concourse at London Kings Cross station.

Hopefully no more overcrowding whilst waiting for a train on Friday nights.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Venus Black and treacle stout

An interesting dark and hoppy brew at 5% found at The Prince of Wales near Charing Cross Station, London.
A hopped American Black Ale.

Then moving on to the itchen valley Treacle Stout!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Up On The Ridgeway

Last summer I would take the opportunity to spend my lunch hour up at Barbary Castle and watch the world go by.    Here is a view from the Ridgeway back towards Swindon and the surrounding area.