Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Another bicycle user tutting at me because I won't stand aside to let them cycle along the pavement. They're not a proper cyclist just arseholes.
by Peter Thorpe
August 31, 2016 at 10:51PM
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A late swerve in and hard braking to challenge my reactions. Well done you daft blonde bitch!
To the lad with his hands down his tracky bottoms upstairs on the 5B bus, noone is interested in wether you can hold both your plums and maggot in one hand!
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
. @paulpunter7 hello PP!! 😀
One dish of mussels were awesome, the other was gritty, chewy and full of 'beard'. Which dish was it?
"Dust relocation technician"? One up from a "Water Closet faecal matter removal expert"!
"Dust relocation technician"? One up from a "Water Closet faecal matter removal expert"!

Mega blue screen of death!
One for Rebecca Thorpe and teacher friends.
Monday, 29 August 2016
So Harry Ramsden on Bournemouth beach are open for "tea's, coffee's and lunches". FFS!
Sunday, 28 August 2016
Lovely bank holiday weather.
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Eyebrow freaks

How? What kind of eyebrow freakery is this? That's what I get for turning away from Sky News this morning.
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
. @FlippinKath those damn bitch divas!
Monday, 22 August 2016
I'll have the cheapest meat at the bottom! #sundayroast
Arkell's had landed in The Neots Tony, Jason! 😕
Sunday, 21 August 2016
Tommy Boyd on a podcast proposed that the human race is separating into two species. Those who can and those who are becoming a stupid animal breed. Those who can earn a decent living and respect others and those who live without any regard or respect for others but expect the descent side to feed, clothe them whilst they bite you on the arse.
by Peter Thorpe
August 21, 2016 at 03:25PM
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St Neots chavs best of Britain breed. And arsehole Audi drivers make a superb Sunday. God I hate this town. #needtomove
There's definitely a cultural shift now, in what is regarded as acceptable personal space between the general public. If I can feel you breathing on the back of my neck whilst in the queue to pay for my coffee, you're too close!
by Peter Thorpe
August 21, 2016 at 02:26PM
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Saturday, 20 August 2016
I bet he sings a bit shaky.
Friday, 19 August 2016
. @FlippinKath go full on ape shit and write it across the windscreen in permanent marker!
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Ah boom boom boom let me hear you say Wales..m
. @iainlee Lee Lee push pineapple shake the tree... @iainlee lee Lee push pineapple grind coffee.... @FlippinKath
Excellent. Buy pork scratchings as well for a bar snack!
Monday, 15 August 2016
...has been was a judge .... ? WTF!!! BBC piss poor journalism continues!
Sunday, 14 August 2016
At the doctors surgery!
As some of you will know, I have never ever used a supermarket self service checkout machine. I even have an email letter from B&Q Head Office which I can show at my store telling them to open a manned till. My stance is they make customers unpaid checkout workers so the supermarket. They claim it is to save you time queuing but that is only because they removed half the manned tills to put these assimilators in thus creating the queues. If they were to offer a discount for doing it yourself I may consider it, but instead the supermarket gets all the benefit built into the cost of the goods by you doing it for free. So my disappointment continues when my local GP surgery have implemented one of these bloody things to check yourself in. Every time its the same bloody conversation. Me: Peter Thorpe to see the nurse. Receptionist : Just to let you know you can check in using the machine behind you in the future. Me: I don't use those things. Receptionist: I'll show you how to use it. Me: I'm not interested. Receptionist: Well it will save you time when we are on the phones The killer phrase that causes me to boil my piss is uttered. Me: Seeing as I will still be waiting here seeing the nurse at 8:20 I won't be saving any time, only yours. Receptionist: (Walks away in a huff). I work with tech, but the march of depersonalising the customer experience has to stop, especially when it is wrapped up in the lies about it being in our best interest when actually it is always theirs.